The case for Bernie Sanders

Sir, – In response to the recent opinion piece by Emer O'Toole ("The strong case for Hillary Clinton", Broadside, April 11th), it should be noted that Mrs Clinton, until recently, stood against that powerful incremental change that won opportunities for the LGBTQ community, coming out against marriage equality during her New York senate run.

To say that black and female demographics overwhelmingly support Mrs Clinton over Bernie Sanders, while Mr Sanders is supported primarily by white men, is, while true, disingenuous without acknowledging that Mrs Clinton’s lead has dropped significantly across the board since the beginning of the year. Mr Sanders holds a 19-point lead among Democratic and independent women aged 18 to 34. In addition, Mr Sanders has had upward of a 58-point lead amongst millenials in general.

In response to your columnist, while Bernie Sanders might be an old white man, his support base is among a youth that is sceptical of political movement built upon patronage, and institutionalised lobbying, of which the Clinton political machine is a leading example. Incremental change is not satisfactory to a generation widely predicted to be the first in US history to be worse off than that preceding it.– Is mise,



