The Cost Of Childcare

Sir, - I am a single mother, working part-time, struggling to support myself and my 21month-old son

Sir, - I am a single mother, working part-time, struggling to support myself and my 21month-old son. A few weeks ago I discovered, quite by chance, that I would actually be better off financially if I stayed at home and didn't work. On top of an increased Lone Parent Allowance from the Social Welfare Services Office, the Eastern Health Board would pay 95 per cent of my rent (which is no small matter in Dublin today), and I would have no childcare costs.

This is a bitter blow to someone who has seven years of university education behind her, and who has always taken pride and satisfaction in her work. The ensuing mental debate lasted all of two minutes - I prefer to remain in the work environment and give my child the benefit of a healthy self-esteem, rather than live more comfortably, entirely off welfare.

Perhaps Charlie McCreevy might bear this in mind when drafting his December budget. The only way to help working parents on low incomes is to subsidise childcare and make it affordable. - Yours, etc.,

Penny Iremonger, Milltown Road, Dublin 6.