The Cycling Student

Sir,- I would like to know if there is any form of help available to the countless number of students who risk life and limb …

Sir,- I would like to know if there is any form of help available to the countless number of students who risk life and limb day after day, week after week. In blistering sun and torrential rain alike, these brave and dogged souls pit their wits against the enemy. Armed only with a rucksack, two flat tyres and the obligatory tin of beans on the journey back to depravity, every evening the relentless effort to sustain life against the odds in the Dublin rush-hour traffic continues.

The selectively-blind driver of the shiny BMW, and the asphyxiating fumes of the cyclist boogyman that is the dustbin lorry, both do their part to rid the streets of the cold-crusader that is the student cyclist. When, oh when are we going to see our cycle-lanes in the city-centre? - Yours, etc.,

Kimmage Road West, Dublin 12.