The Dangers Of Alcohol

Sir, - Oh, the appalling irony that in your issue of September 8th you could sport in your pages a full-page advertisement for…

Sir, - Oh, the appalling irony that in your issue of September 8th you could sport in your pages a full-page advertisement for alcohol and its joys alongside nearly another full page - of reports by Jim Cusack - describing alcohol and its horrors among young adults in night-clubs. Then, in your Weekend section, there was an article by John Moran dealing equally graphically with alcohol-related blood-and-death on the streets.

Can our Government not see what is wrong? Only a lone voice from the West makes an occasional appeal in your Letters page for the issue to be addressed, but no one in authority ever responds to him.

Death related to alcohol stalks our land. That is a bald fact - and no-one cries enough. Why? Is it that we have reached a point in our society where we don't really mind people dying as long as we can make money out of them? Or is there a shaky old skeleton hidden deep in our collective Irish cupboard? - Yours, etc.,

Norma MacMaster, Church Street, Skerries, Co Dublin.