The death of Cathal Brugha

Madam, - From the valuable information contained in the letters of Brian Clohissey (August 22nd) and Father Brian Murphy(September…

Madam, - From the valuable information contained in the letters of Brian Clohissey (August 22nd) and Father Brian Murphy(September 2nd), it seems fair to conclude that nobody was blameworthy for not preventing the death of Cathal Brugha from a single bullet wound.

I am not sure that my father was blaming anybody for the treatment received by Brugha in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. He had no direct knowledge of this. He was a recently qualified intern and his recollection was probably based largely on the instant reactions of senior colleagues and nurses to the fact that the wounded man had lost so much blood when he reached the Mater Hospital. It is odd that neither the doctors who are said to have gone to Brugha's aid on the field of battle nor the Red Cross helpers seem to have testified at the inquest. - Yours, etc,


Strand Road,


Dublin 4.