The Driver's Decalogue

Sir, - Regarding the state of driving in this country and the lack of ideas put forward by successive governments, may I be so…

Sir, - Regarding the state of driving in this country and the lack of ideas put forward by successive governments, may I be so bold as to put forward a simple suggestion to reduce the carnage on our roads? What we need are Ten Car Commandments. I propose the following:

1. Thou shalt not drink and drive.

2. Thou shalt not speed.

3. Thou shalt not use thy mobile phone while driving.


4.Thou shalt not not jump amber and red traffic lights.

5.Thou shalt not tailgate.

6. Thou shalt not park illegally.

7. Thou shalt not take safe driving space from the driver in front.

8. Thou shall not drive in the wrong lane.

9. Thou shalt not show bad manners.

10. Thou shalt not be aggressive or abusive on the road.

The Ten Commandments should be enforced by Garda disciples travelling from town to town, city to city, up and down the country, spreading the good word of safe driving. - Yours, etc.,

Brian Louis Walsh, Park Crescent, Kimmage, Dublin 12.