The DUP’s unionist credentials

Sir, – Your front-page news report (July 10th) about MPs voting to extend same-sex marriage rights to Northern Ireland if the Stormont institutions are not restored by October 21st again raises questions about the DUP's "unionist" credentials. Given the DUP's vehement opposition to Westminster's plan to allow same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples, the union between Northern Ireland and mainland Britain is but a marriage of convenience. – Yours, etc,


Sandycove, Co Dublin.

Sir, – As with Brexit, the DUP opposition in the overwhelming vote in the House of Commons to extend same-sex and abortion rights to Northern Ireland is another salutary reminder of how the people of NI are being unrepresented at Westminster. Equally disturbing is the fact that the DUP also opposed the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill tabled by Dominic Grieve MP, the main purpose of which is to prevent the prorogation of the Westminster parliament. This is a blatantly undemocratic device which Brexiteers have not ruled out in order to facilitate a no-deal Brexit, which by common consent would be an economic disaster, both North and South. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 12.