The Eighth Amendment

Sir, – You report that Taoiseach Enda Kenny had hoped to close down discussion of abortion until after the election ("Varadkar backs abortion when woman's health at risk", January 29th).

In most constituencies, however, Fine Gael is running more than one candidate, each of whom, if elected, will vote exactly the same way in the Dáil, except on this one issue. The same is true for Fianna Fáil. So decisions to rank preferences among competing candidates from the same party must depend very heavily on their views on this issue; indeed it is very difficult to think of any other reason for choosing among them.

I hope that The Irish Times will assist voters in making this choice by ascertaining and publishing how each candidate expects to vote on the repeal of the Eighth Amendment and what subsequent legislation on this topic he or she would support. – Yours, etc,



Killiney, Co Dublin.