The Eighth Amendment

A chara, – The results of the Amnesty International/Red C poll attest to the increasingly apparent support in Ireland for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment to Bunreacht na hÉireann ("want politicians to be 'proactive' on abortion, -poll finds", March 4th).

The results of the poll will no doubt be disputed by those who oppose any change, for any reason, to this amendment, which has been the cause of untold hardship and trauma to so many women.

We know about the thousands of women who have had to travel to other jurisdictions to obtain abortions.

We have also seen the grotesque lengths to which this State is prepared to go to prevent women from obtaining a termination in this jurisdiction.


In advance of the forthcoming debate, which is inevitable, on what, if anything, ought to be done about the Eighth Amendment, the self-styled “pro-life” lobby might oblige us all by answering one simple question – how far should Irish law go to force a woman to give birth against her will? – Is mise,


Cavan Town.

Sir, – I’m sure there are plenty of needy people who could well use the money Amnesty International Ireland is currently giving to expensive polling companies in order to promote abortion legislation.

Perhaps readers should keep this in mind the next time they are approached by an Amnesty International street collector. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.