The ESRI and economic analysis

Sir, – Joanna Tuffy TD highlights (December 13th) what she sees as a contradiction in the ESRI's analysis of the distributional effects of the budget.

Perhaps Ms Tuffy should read the Labour Party manifesto on which she stood for election, particularly the reference to the water tax, and examine the role of the Government which she supports.

Ms Tuffy concludes with a reference to economists and light bulbs; in her case, pots and kettles come to mind. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.

Sir, – The ESRI’s pronouncements remind me of Ronnie Corbett telling one of his shaggy dog stories – a vague and rambling yarn with so many contradictions and caveats as to be close to unintelligible. At least Mr Corbett has the excuse of being vaguely amusing. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.