The Farmers' Plight

Sir, - At a time when our politicians are promoting better understanding between North and South and between nationalists and…

Sir, - At a time when our politicians are promoting better understanding between North and South and between nationalists and unionists, it grieves me to note that one of our MEPs, Ms Bernie Malone, is unaware of the plight of hundreds of our small farmers. She seems more concerned about the disruption caused to her city for one day than about the annihilation of these poor farmers, who, through no fault of their own, cannot feed their animals or indeed their families.

I hope she is not expressing the views of all politicians, because if she is, the lack of understanding and compassion of our politicians will have reached a new low. These poor people have exhausted all means at their disposal to acquaint the powers that be of their plight and their response has been a meagre £300 per family (maximum).

This £300 is expected to keep these families fed and clothed over the winter and to feed their animals until the spring. If these families cannot remain, many of our small rural villages will be no more. It is high time for our legislators to come down from their ivory towers and realise what is happening all round them. They have been elected by the people to look after the needs of the people, both rich and poor. They must be made aware that while sections of our communities, both urban and rural, enjoy unprecedented wealth due to the success of the Celtic Tiger, many hundreds of families both urban and rural are suffering severe poverty. In a caring society all our people must be treated equally and now is the time for every one of our legislators to stand up and be counted and face up to their responsibilities.

The rich cannot be allowed to get richer while the poor get poorer. This policy can only lead to destruction. The greed of a few fat cats cannot be allowed destroy the dreams and aspirations of decent people. - Yours, etc., Neily Lehane,


Kiskeam, Mallow, Co Cork.