The GAA and the national anthem

A chara, – Brian O'Connor's article reflects a very one-sided view of its subject ("It's time for the GAA to forget this national anthem business", September 19th). The GAA is the one organisation in the country that can truly claim to be pan-nationalist. Fine Gaelers, Fianna Fáilers and Sinn Féiners all play together on the field and stand together for its time-honoured rituals like the playing of the national anthem.

Right throughout its history, the GAA has proved to be a unifying and reconciling force in Irish life. The outstanding successes of the Dublin team in recent years also show that it has succeeded in bridging the urban and rural divide. At local and at national level, inspired by its amateur ethos, the GAA has proved adept at taking the pulse of the community. If changes are needed, it will make that call.

Meanwhile, I think Brian O’Connor should stick to the horses, where he has been known to give the odd good tip. – Is mise,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Brian O’Connor’s recent musings on the national anthem were surely written with tongue firmly embedded in his cheek . Then again, considering some of his reflections over the years, he just might be serious! – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.