The IRA – have they gone away?

Sir, – Have they gone away? The PSNI chief constable George Hamilton says they have not. The Northern Secretary Theresa Villiers is not sure. The "never a member" Gerry Adams says they have. Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald says she does not know but asks the Garda Commissioner Nóirín O'Sullivan, who also does not know, to find out. Now it transpires there never was any doubt as to the IRA's continued existence because both the Irish and British governments knew all along ("Abolition of the IRA was never part of the 'peace process'", Opinion & Analysis, August 26th).

You could not make it up no matter how hard you tried. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 18.


A chara, – I notice a groupthink mindset continues unabashed across our political and media world when it comes to how recent events in the North are portrayed here. The usual suspects have been wheeled out; former politicians like Michael McDowell, journalists (some unheard of in recent times), bloggers, former republicans and, of course, politicians – all pontificating about the so-called existence of the IRA and all presented as serious objective commentators, when nothing could be further from the truth.

In reality the dogs on the street know there is no IRA. The confused and contradictory wording of the initial PSNI statement has no doubt contributed to the current situation but even that was later clarified by its chief constable, George Hamilton, when he stated that “They [the IRA] are not on a war footing, they are not involved in paramilitary activity.” Likewise Garda Commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan has been very clear in her statement that the IRA does not exist.

So what is this all about? There were two killings in the North and a police investigation continues. The idea that the IRA has been sitting around sipping tea for years only to suddenly return to military action in the last couple of weeks is plainly idiotic. And yet it is a story being peddled by most in the political and media world here.

In reality the faux outrage we have seen has nothing to do with concern for those killed recently or for the peace process. Those being wheeled out as objective commentators have one common denominator – all are bitter opponents of Sinn Féin and are certainly not objective. As usual there are no voices to be heard giving us an alternative view.

The one-sided commentary on recent events has all to do with damaging Sinn Féin electorally. In essence it is a smear campaign against Sinn Féin, with bitter opponents of that party as its cheerleaders. It is not the first time that this has happened and I have no doubt that it is not the last. At the end of the day people will vote and make their call. – Is mise,


Dublin 14.

A chara, – No news? No problem! Just pen articles that claim the IRA is still in business, make sure to mention Sinn Féin and throw in the words “crime” and “murder” and hope something sticks. Do we have ay actual evidence? Shush! We shan’t let the absence of proof get in the way of a good yarn. – Is mise,


Dublin 8.