The language of Luas

A chara, - One of the more obvious benefits of the Celtic Tiger for ordinary citizens in Dublin has been the provision of Luas…

A chara, - One of the more obvious benefits of the Celtic Tiger for ordinary citizens in Dublin has been the provision of Luas. A speedy, reliable and comfortable form of transport is now available for those lucky enough to live near a Luas line.

At the close of the first year of operations, it is fitting to express our appreciation to the "people in power", who helped bring this development about, and not forgetting Dr Garret FitzGerald and others, who provided some valuable criticism during its evolutionary stages.

I have a small cultural quibble with the use of Irish on the trams: I believe that the Gaelic names of the stations should have priority over their English translations, and so should be announced first.

Indeed, the Irish language is given priority on all signage connected with this very successful venture. It is all the more surprising, therefore, that the English version of station names is prioritised in the oral commentary.


With the present ordering of station names, the Gaelic version seems little more than mere tokenism but, by affording priority to the Irish language version, as is its right under the Constitution, it would be much more logical and cultural. - Is mise,

LIAM Ó GÉIBHEANNAIGH, Átha na Ghainimh, Co Átha Cliath.