The Leaving Certificate

Sir, – Further to Barry O'Callaghan's article of April 30th ("The Leaving Cert is failing our children – here's how to fix it", Education Opinion, April 30th), could I suggest that the next time a column appears in The Irish Times in which the writer puts forward the proposition that the Leaving Cert is not fit for purpose, you insist that the said writer does the following:

(i) States precisely the ways in which the Leaving Cert is not fit for purpose while directing the reader to appropriate sources of evidence for these claims;

(ii) Proposes even partially thought-out solutions to the problems at hand while providing evidence of times when the said solutions have worked in other countries.

That might save us reading the same article over and over again. – Yours, etc,



Associate Professor,

Bioprocess Engineering,

School of Biotechnology,

Dublin City University,

Dublin 9.