The meaning of 'adult'

Madam, - Damien Flinter (August 17th) believes that one reaches maturity when one's ethical concern about the armament industry…

Madam, - Damien Flinter (August 17th) believes that one reaches maturity when one's ethical concern about the armament industry ("war toys") becomes more important than one's ethical concern about pornography ("sex toys").

However, in my experience these two industries have much in common when it comes to making obscene profits at the expense of human welfare and dignity.

The more concerned I am about one, the more concerned I am about the other. If that makes me an immature Puritan, so be it! - Yours, etc,

SOLINE HUMBERT, Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.


Madam, - Damien Flinter believes maturity arrives when war is considered more questionable than pornography. In other words, when men stop valorising violence towards each other but think violence towards women is still fair game. Sign me up with the Puritans, please. - Is mise,

CLÍONA SAIDLÉAR, Ballymoneen Road, Galway.