The Meaning Of Pluralism

A Chara, - I am struck by the widespread resort to the term "pluralism" by politicians, columnists and letter-writers who are…

A Chara, - I am struck by the widespread resort to the term "pluralism" by politicians, columnists and letter-writers who are outraged by the attitude of Church leaders to the Taoiseach's invitation to State Reception.

What pluralism actually means is that, instead of being exclusively influenced by one religious tradition, that resolve to respect and consider multiple traditions. Since the discourtesy visited on the elected leader of the State was perpetrated by both main religious traditions (and may be shared by others), an appeal to pluralism makes no sense.

Perhaps what is meant by many commentators is not pluralism but secularism, a system whereby the State does not pander to the prejudices of any religious tradition. If so, it would be helpful if people said so. - Is mise,

Sean Kelly, Old Long Hill, Kilmacanogue, Co Wicklow.