The Poison Of Racism

A chara, - I commend your Editorial of August 21st, urging a concerted and urgent national response to combat the growth of racism…

A chara, - I commend your Editorial of August 21st, urging a concerted and urgent national response to combat the growth of racism and xenophobia which has resulted in an increasing number of attacks on foreign citizens and Irish citizens of colour throughout the island.

Ignorance and hatred are at the heart of racism, but there are other underlying factors which have led to the rise of racist attitudes in Irish society.

Provocative phrases by certain Government ministers, TDs, councillors and sections of the media demonise people of colour. They stoke the fears and hatreds of individuals who are told their communities are being "flooded" and threatened by "tidal waves" of undeserving, "bogus" asylum-seekers intent on stealing a part of their national cake that was never big enough in the first place.

Attempts at segregation through ideas such as "flotels", food vouchers and spot-checks at ports of entry, clearly on the basis of the colour of a person's skin, increase suspicion.


It is up to politicians and people of influence to make their positions clear against racism. Pandering and dithering for electoral gain, or expressing opinions which are clearly racist have been the status quo for too long. This doesn't just lead to racism - it leads to violence and death.

I urge An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, to take a public lead on this issue through the Oireachtas, the all-Ireland institutions and in wider society. He is in a position to bring together all the other leaders of civic society - the political and church leaders, trade union and community networks, media personalities and music, cultural and sporting heroes in a public event declaring our united stand against racism in all its forms and wherever it appears. - Is mise,

Gerry Adams MP, President, Sinn Fein, Parnell Square, Dublin 1.