The Pope’s survey

Sir, – I absolutely agree with Brendan Butler’s views on the absence of any real attempt by the hierarchy in Ireland to survey the views of its members (Rite & Reason, November 26th). I am particularly surprised in the case of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin whom I have the greatest respect for. However, it might not have been his personal choice.

Two weeks ago I attended Mass in Cobham in Surrey, England, and when the parish priest stood up to say a few words on the subject he announced that the bishop of the diocese had issued a recorded message about the survey which was to be played at every Mass in the diocese that weekend. It gave full information on what the Pope wants to know and urged the people to think and submit their views and send them to him by a given postal address or e-mail. All information was also available on his web.

I can see why this church is normally 85 per cent full at all Masses. – Yours, etc,



Georgian Village,

Castleknock, Dublin 15.