The Presidential Election

A chara, - We have all now read Ms Hayes's memos

A chara, - We have all now read Ms Hayes's memos. So what? Are we "Southerners" expected to react with horror and outrage because Ms McAleese's analysis of the peace process is insightful, accurate and also remarkably consistent with that of John Hume? Far from being an indictment of Ms McAleese, the memos articulate clearly her incisive analysis and shrewd judgements, all of which have since been fully vindicated by events. These memos should not damage Ms McAleese's prospects of becoming the next President. Rather they should reinforce the perception that she is the outstanding candidate amongst a talented field. Surely it is now time for John Hume to step forward and clarify matters by endorsing Ms McAleese's candidacy. She deserves the support of no less an authority at this delicate juncture, which has been engineered by mischievous cabals whose partisan machinations include leaked memos and luncheon with the likes of Eoghan Harris. - Is mise,

From Tadhg Crowley

Briar Hill, Waterfall, Cork.