The Presidential Election

Sir, - The Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis attacks the Fianna Fail presidential candidate for "being closeted in Clonard with Father…

Sir, - The Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis attacks the Fianna Fail presidential candidate for "being closeted in Clonard with Father Alex Reid and the editor of the pro-republican Irish News as part of a triumvirate pushing a Sinn Fein agenda" (October 23rd). This is factually incorrect on two points. I have never been involved in the Clonard process, and the Irish News is not prorepublican. Its commitment to the democratic process, and its opposition to violence, cannot be questioned.

Although the newspaper and the UUP have radically different political perspectives, the party clearly acknowledges that commitment to democracy. If that had not been the case, I would not have been invited to meet David Trimble as part of the UUP consultation process over the summer. I accept the importance of debate, and Ken Maginnis has a perfect right to condemn anyone he wishes. But I am sorry The Irish Times has allowed him to use its columns to repeat unsubstantiated allegations and political tittletattle.

If any democratic debate is to be worthwhile, it must be carried out on the basis of the facts. - Yours, etc.,

Editor, Irish News, Donegall Street, Belfast 1.