Sir, - One thing I have learned from this and previous elections is that any manifestation of imagination or, worse still, idealism…

Sir, - One thing I have learned from this and previous elections is that any manifestation of imagination or, worse still, idealism will unleash the scorn and the dismissal of the Dublin establishment. One leader-writer has dismissed Adi Roche (without bothering to elaborate) as lacking cohesion and focus. Other smartAlec types, distinguished in my experience by their inability to even imagine idealism, have latched on to her lifelong commitment to peace, and her very practical work in schools in that cause, and found reason to snigger.

Adi Roche has a national and international record of achievement, a long involvement in national political issues, and the drive which has got things done. During the election she hasn't put a foot wrong, except in the eyes of those po-faced journalists who can't handle the idea of children in Aras an Uachtarain. She hasn't been duped by pseudo-advisers; she hasn't attacked other candidates because of their Northern connections; she has dealt with every question asked of her honestly, directly, and without any of us who support her feeling the need to rough up journalists. And she has come up with imaginative proposals to further extend the role of the President.

Finally, of course, though she has been involved in political and social campaigns for 20 years, she had sufficient political judgement to stay a long way from the rotting body of cynicism that was Fianna Fail under Charles Haughey.

Mary McAleese, credited by the media with intellect and achievement, lacked that judgement. She rallied to "follow Charlie" even as he cynically campaigned at home and abroad against the AngloIrish agreement. And she can still describe Fianna Fail as the true defenders of the nationalist cause. Some cohesion, some focus! - Yours, etc.,


From Brendan Ryan

Seanad Eireann, Dublin 2.