Sir, - I have a very jaundiced view of the assertions by various Northern Ireland unionists, and a few strident spin-doctors …

Sir, - I have a very jaundiced view of the assertions by various Northern Ireland unionists, and a few strident spin-doctors in the South, that the candidature of Mary McAleese, and her possible Presidential victory, would send the wrong signals to unionists, and would damage unionist-nationalist relations.

This presupposes some level of concern on the part of unionists for the well- being of relations with nationalists. Unfortunately, over the past 25 years I have seen hardly any evidence of any sensitivity on the part of unionists for either the rights or identity of their fellow citizens who happen to be nationalist within Northern Ireland, or for the legitimacy and value of nationalism on this island.

From blanket assertions that Ulster/Northern Ireland is British to a persistent failure to acknowledge the value of Irish culture, music and games, the signals from unionists to nationalist Ireland have been depressingly hostile and begrudging.

As for their attitudes to the South, now that the Rome-ridden/ priest-ridden smear is wholly redundant, there is not even the most tentative acknowledgement of the increasingly pluralist nature of our society, and of the enormous economic strides we have made.


I make these observations while being deeply conscious of the appalling suffering incurred by countless unionists at the hands of the Provisional IRA over the past 25 years. Furthermore, while I was Policy Director of the Progressive Democrats for nine years, we went out of our way to be understanding of, and accommodating to, unionists (had them address our annual conference, visited Glengall Street, etc.).

As for Mary McAleese and her birthright as an Irish nationalist, I believe that neither she, nor anyone on her behalf, should feel the need to apologise for this fact to anyone. - Yours, etc.,

From Stephen O'Byrnes

Sutton, Dublin 13