The price of a stamp

Sir, – You report that An Post will increase its basic domestic postage rate on July 21st from 70 cent to 72 cent ("Price of postage stamp to increase to 72c,e, An Post says", June 17th).

Does this mean that if I go into my local post office on or after that date to purchase a 72 cent stamp, and having regard to the Government’s policy of “rounding down” of prices ending in 1 cent or 2 cent, that I will only have to pay 70 cent? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 1.


Sir, – We have been informed by An Post that postal rates are to increase on July 1st. There being little likelihood of using up my cache of 70 cent stamps before that date, I went to my local post office today to buy eight 2 cent stamps. I was told I could not do this until the new rate comes into effect.

When I asked why, I was told “We’re not allowed to sell them before the date”. Is this true? And if it is true, could someone in An Post explain why? It seems to me quite mad. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.