The price of water

Sir, – Yesterday I had the pleasure of paying my very first Irish Water bill, which took all of 25 minutes and conversations with three different Abtran staff members, bless their patience! Isn’t it amazing how, in this technological age, Irish Water’s “Paying a Bill” link on their website doesn’t actually allow us to pay the bill online there and then? It gives us seven “easy” payment options but only one option allows us to use a credit card, and that requires a 25-minute telephone conversation with people who don’t actually work for Irish Water. The other amazing thing about my bill was that I was being charged for the exact same volume of waste water as the volume of water coming in. Have they forgotten that many of us recycle water for our gardens and that most of us actually drink the stuff? At the recommended two to three litres per adult per day, that should make a considerable difference to a 90-day wastewater calculation. I don’t know about you, but my urologist would be very concerned if I was urinating two to three litres per day (the normal urinary output for an adult is approximately 500 ml per day). – Yours, etc,


Gorey, Co Wexford.