The price of water

Sir, – Some of your readers and those concerned with the right to water seem to be mixing up a “right” and “free”.

No matter who uses the water, it is far from free unless one uses a bucket to catch the rain. Even then there is the cost of gutter maintenance and the like. The public water supply still has to be paid for.

Ownership of the service should be public but the bill will still have to be met. – Yours, etc,




Co Westmeath.

Sir, – Last week I received a text message at 4.26pm from Irish Water asking me to call it before 8pm. No subject and no signature.

I thought it was at last responding to my repeated requests to have the overflowing sewage in a local housing estate sorted out. But no.

After two attempts and nearly half an hour holding, I was told that my current bill was now overdue.

Fortunately the sewage problem had long since been sorted out following my subsequent call to the county manager’s office.

I have no problem with paying for a water and waste water service, but the key word is “service”. – Yours, etc,

