The 'Pro' in Pro-Cathedral

Sir, – Frank McDonald's plea (Rite & Reason, October 25th) that it is high time to drop the Pro-Cathedral's inherently temporary status gives contemporary focus to a suggestion that emerges in public discourse every generation or so.

The fact is that the “Pro”, as the church has been affectionately known to generations of Dubliners, has been part of the historical fabric of our city for almost 200 years.

Its title – intriguing to the visitor – does give it a distinctive identity that conveys something of the complex history of its establishment, while avoiding further confusion by adding an apparently third cathedral to our already overstocked quota for a city of our size.

It is true that the “Pro”in the title causes head-scratching among foreigners.


I was once asked if Pro was not an abbreviation for Protestant, and I heard the late eminent musician, Dr Havelock Nelson, wittily suggest that Dublin’s ecclesiastical patrimony was unique in that we could boast of one Pro and two amateurs!

– Yours, etc,


Titular Organist,


Dublin 1.

A Chara, – I agree with Frank McDonald (Rite & Reason,October 25th) that the time has surely come to settle the ancient anomaly that is the temporary status of St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.

Rather than just dropping the Pro prefix, might I suggest that Christ Church Cathedral be designated, in a generous ecumenical gesture, as our great Christian Cathedral in Dublin.

– Is mise,


An Charraig Dhubh,

Co Átha Cliath.