The Reality Of Aid

Sir, - Kevin Myers (June 6th) is right in pointing out the terrible complexity of the problems of the African continent

Sir, - Kevin Myers (June 6th) is right in pointing out the terrible complexity of the problems of the African continent. But I believe that he is very wrong in suggesting that the public only give to charity out of pride and vanity. He is wrong in suggesting that those who work in Africa do so to make themselves feel better.

In my 21 years working with GOAL, I have come across two extraordinary groups of people. One is the general public, which never ceases to amaze me with its generosity. The other is the aid workers and missionaries who dedicate their lives to helping the poorest of the poor. I hope that Kevin Myers will take my word for it when I assure him that their motives are sincere. - Yours, etc., John O'Shea, GOAL,

PO Box 19,

Dun Laoghaire,


Co Dublin.