The rights of fathers

Madam, - "It is difficult to covey the human misery and the brutality involved in taking a child away from a parent

Madam, - "It is difficult to covey the human misery and the brutality involved in taking a child away from a parent. I believe that in 15 years' time we will look back at this period and hang our heads in shame over the issue. "

This is the final paragraph of a letter to your paper from Eleanor McEvoy (November 22nd). The sentiments expressed resonated very strongly with me and my colleagues in Treoir.

Treoir provides a national information service for unmarried parents and professionals. We are constantly astounded by the misinformation which permeates society in relation to the legal position of unmarried parents and children. One of our core principles is that all children have a right to know, be loved and cared for by both parents.

We urge parents and professionals to subscribe to the principle. - Yours, etc.,


MARGARET DROMEY, CEO, Treoir, Custom House Square, Dublin 1.