The soup du jour

Sir, – The reason menus need to be explained to ordinary mortals like me is that they are written, unnecessarily, in French, because Irish restauranteurs think that Irish food tastes better if it has a French name. My Francophone friends tell me that the French language descriptions on Irish menus are often written in mangled French. Restaurants should be obliged to print a version of their menu in English for the ordinary customer like me who doesn’t have a word of French. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.


Sir, – Further to Sean O’Byrne’s letter (June 7th), a friend of mine swears, that whilst having lunch with a French business associate in a hotel in the Dublin suburbs, his companion, upon enquiring what the soup du jour was, received the waiter’s clarification that it was the soup of the day. – Yours, etc,


Carrick on Shannon,

Co Leitrim.