‘The State of Us’ and immigration policy

Sir, – In his series “The State of Us”, Fintan O’Toole casually declared that it “seems certain” that immigration levels will reach more than a quarter of the population. He gives no basis for this. More than 35per cent? More than 45per cent? It “seems certain” that none of these figures would bother him. He makes much of the concept of “republic”. But the most fundamental aspect of a republic is that it is democratic. That means it endeavours to implement the wishes of its citizens.

If Fintan O’Toole thinks that Irish people want to be just a fairly large patch on a patchwork quilt, he is mistaken.

In other European countries, immigration went beyond what people were happy with. Hence the hostile reactions he decries.

In April 2007 Bertie Ahern told Matt Cooper that he did not think going beyond 10 per cent was a good idea.


All we have had since then is drift, as if it simply rains immigrants and has nothing to do with policy.

It is past time our Government sought to cap immigration. – Yours, etc,


Immigration Control

Platform, Dublin 2.