The Taoiseach and the tribunal

Madam, - The Taoiseach and leader of Fianna Fáil who set up a Tribunal to investigate corruption now attacks it by proxy when…

Madam, - The Taoiseach and leader of Fianna Fáil who set up a Tribunal to investigate corruption now attacks it by proxy when the evidence leads literally to his door and is unable to give straight answers either in private or public sessions of the tribunal.

Bertie Ahern's legal team have launched a full frontal assault against the tribunal judges, its senior counsel, and their scope to question the Taoiseach, while the rest of the Cabinet continue their guerrilla warfare, lead by General O'Dea.

The challenge by the Cabinet to the judiciary is wholly repugnant in a democratic state and needs to be halted immediately. Bertie Ahern clearly has no shame, while his colleagues are an utter embarrassment to good governance. Bob Geldof's banana republic is alive and well. - Yours, etc,

JARLATH MOLLOY, Stanford Road, London W8.


Madam, - Considering the revelations of various tribunals going back to Charles Haughey's time, might an objective observer be excused for concluding that the Fianna Fáil organisation is a criminal conspiracy against the Irish people - a conspiracy, moreover, in which the people themselves are complicit by repeatedly returning it to power? - Yours, etc,

JOHN ROONEY, Belfast 15.

Madam, In response to PD Cllr John Kenny (February 18th), I am wondering if the mumbling, incoherent Taoiseach he mentions is the same Taoiseach who, with incredible skill and inexhaustible patience, managed to clean up the seemingly insoluble political mess north of the Border? The same Taoiseach under whose command this country turned an historically horrendously high unemployment rate into a surplus of jobs? The same man who not only ended the curse of emigration but reversed it?

He did all this while the moaners moaned and the whingers whinged and the PDs rode their high horse of moral rectitude into political oblivion. Who wants to lead them? Anyone? Anyone?

Meanwhile, what has Enda Kenny achieved in his 33 years in Dáil Éireann? Kenny leads the present charge of purer-than-thou moral indignation, ably assisted by that paragon of virtue Eamon Gilmore.

Mr Gilmore's particular brand of righteousness can only be described as counterfeit, and with his party, according to the latest polls, dangling dangerously over the abyss of single-figure land, he would be well advised to engage in more constructive tactics. - Yours, etc,

MICHAEL O' NEILL, Marymount, Wygram, Wexford.