The Taoiseach's Language

Sir, - I feel sure that the majority attending the IBEC conference in Killarney were Christian, and it is a cause for disquiet…

Sir, - I feel sure that the majority attending the IBEC conference in Killarney were Christian, and it is a cause for disquiet that when the holy name of the founder of Christianity was misused by the speaker at the platform, nobody present had the moral courage to stand up and make an objection.

When a President of Ireland was referred to as "a thundering disgrace" in the presence of officers of the Defence Forces of which the President was Commander-in-Chief, and nobody raised any objection at the time, it said little for the moral courage of officers of the Defence Forces, but in those days the constraints of military discipline might have provided some excuse.

However, no such excuse existed in Killarney. - Yours, etc.,

Frank Murphy, Old Quarry, Dalkey, Co Dublin.