The tree of forgiveness

Madam, - What a great article from Lorna Siggins (An Irishwoman's Diary, December 7th) - a marvellous story of the immense capacity…

Madam, - What a great article from Lorna Siggins (An Irishwoman's Diary, December 7th) - a marvellous story of the immense capacity for forgiveness of Akira Tsurukame in seeking out Commander Bill King to be reconciled with him for the wartime killing of his father.

More than a significant war memorial, that crab apple tree, planted to mark the event, is yet another of those great monuments to the very real capacity of the human spirit to rise above all pain and suffering caused by conflict, war and hatred, and to actively seek true reconciliation and peace. And this even 60 years after that horrific war, and through the second and third family generations. A great example also of how to learn from history. - Yours, etc.,


Electronic and Computer


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