The trouble with globalisation

Sir, – In response to Chris Johns's article claiming how globalisation has benefitted billions of people, I would like to make a few points (Business Opinion, March 11th). In the same period since 1981 wealth inequality has also increased significantly; while globalisation has benefitted many poor people it has benefitted the rich far more. Furthermore, because of globalisation many "developing" countries are not really developing but have instead been condemned to forever producing cheap goods for the developed countries. Globalisation is sustaining a big gap in wealth and opportunities between rich and poor countries which in turn is a driving force behind migration. Globalisation means managers are completely detached from many company locations and their staff. Without that connection closing a factory and opening one in a cheaper country has become much easier; the human factor has been removed, the decision reduced to numbers in a spreadsheet. Globalisation is also the reason that incredible amounts of goods are unnecessarily shipped around the globe. This makes no logistic sense, it makes no ecological sense, it only makes economic sense. All that transport has contributed to global warming. It has also helped the spread of diseases. Thanks to globalisation Borneo is now producing teak hardwood and palm oil for global markets, which is causing massive deforestation. So has globalisation really benefitted us? I would say no. – Yours, etc,


Drumcondra, Dublin 9.