The world according to 'Alive!'

Madam, - I was shocked to receive the hand-delivered March issue of Alive! , a "Catholic monthly newspaper" which claims a circulation…

Madam, - I was shocked to receive the hand-delivered March issue of Alive!, a "Catholic monthly newspaper" which claims a circulation of 350,800.

It also claims: "Minister Brian Lenihan and his Equality Authority continue to promote the extremist view of 'gender equality' now being abandoned in the UK". This is deemed "radical feminism" elsewhere in the paper.

Other headlines include: "US activist declares AIDS a 'gay disease'"; "Scientists fear global cooling"; and "Church offering a feminised faith?"

The majority of the articles are written anonymously, in a poison-pen style, preaching highly subjective views without recourse to fact, or even the illusion of objective analysis.


Who is responsible for funding this "free", hand-delivered "Catholic" newspaper, which spreads misinformation to (apparently) "350,800 homes nationwide"?

- Yours, etc,

TERRY McINERNEY, Maynooth, Co Kildare.