Theatre prices are good value

Madam, - In response to your reader's complaint about theatre ticket prices (April 5th), I would make the following points:

Madam, - In response to your reader's complaint about theatre ticket prices (April 5th), I would make the following points:

1. Theatre tickets in Ireland are considerably cheaper than elsewhere. In London, for example, top ticket prices for straight plays are currently £39.50 (€60.10); in New York, they are $91.25 (€75.55).

2. Understandably, going to the theatre costs more than seeing a film. It's a live performance involving actors, technicians and theatre staff, so it's considerably more labour-intensive than screening a film print.

3. Many theatres offer special discounts - for students, for the unemployed and for senior citizens, among others.


4. Public subsidy is a critical component in ensuring that ticket prices are kept at a level that allows as many people as possible access to the performing arts.

We are lucky that prices in Ireland continue to be reasonable, as a result of which the audience for Irish theatre remains a broad and healthy one. - Yours, etc.,

TANIA BANOTTI, Chief Executive, Theatre Forum, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1.