Theatre Royal, Waterford

Sir, - I was very pleased to read (From the South East, October 29th) of the launching of an appeal to restore and refurbish …

Sir, - I was very pleased to read (From the South East, October 29th) of the launching of an appeal to restore and refurbish the Theatre Royal in Waterford. This is a little-known architectural and theatrical gem and I wish every success to those working to save it.

I was, however, surprised and disappointed that no mention was made of the substantial grant made in 1994 to the theatre by the EU Architectural Heritage Jury (of which I am the Irish member). It is a condition in accepting a grant that the Commission's help should be acknowledged whenever appropriate.

During the years in which I have served on the jury, the Commission has been very generous to Irish projects and I would not like this goodwill jeopardised by understandable forgetfulness on the part of a voluntary group. - Yours, etc.,

Merrion Square, Dublin 2.