They Say `O'Meera'

Sir, - I hear the American golfer Mark O'Meara called "O'Meera" all the time on RTE, even on Raidio na Gaeltachta

Sir, - I hear the American golfer Mark O'Meara called "O'Meera" all the time on RTE, even on Raidio na Gaeltachta. Is this because it is so pronounced by Mark himself and perhaps by all American O'Mearas? It is as "O'Mara" that all of us here say this great Irish surname. What puzzles me is how our sports commentators manage to be so unanimous on "O'Meera" when broadcasters generally cannot agree about how to pronounce Portlaoise, for example. Has Mark laid down the law for one and all about how his name is to be pronounced? I'm only asking! - Yours, etc., Diarmuid Breathnach,

Sidmonton Gardens, Bray, Co Wicklow.