Thieves cash in on graveside wreaths

Sir, – Christmas is a season for joyful and celebrations. It is also the season when we remember in a very special way all our loved ones, family and friends, who are no longer with us.

Placing a seasonal wreath, flowers or other Christmas trimmings on a loved one’s grave at this time of year helps families and friends to remember them and to include them in their Christmas celebrations. It helps to bring some comfort and peace to those who are missing somebody they love at this time.

Sadly it is also an occasion when those without a modicum of conscience or decency cash in on the hard work and efforts of grieving families. They do this by stealing new pots, plants, wreaths, and any other seasonal items placed on graves. My parents’ grave in Bohernabreena Cemetery was plundered this week and all my efforts to remember them at this difficult time of year were stolen. Three new ceramic pots planted with seasonal flowers and shrubs and a Christmas wreath were all stolen. This is the fourth time this has happened to our grave this year. It hurts deeply each time but especially at this time of year when grief is so raw.

As it seems to be impossible to stop such widespread and dreadful acts, I appeal to everybody who is planning to add some special seasonal items to their loved ones’ graves this Christmas to be extra cautious. Please consider waiting until Christmas Eve when the market for such seasonal items is over for another year. Don’t allow these heartless thieves to break your hearts even more and to line their pockets in the process. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.