White-water rafting plan controversy

Sir, – I was one of the 37 elected members of Dublin City Council to vote in favour of the white-water rafting facility in Dublin's Docklands (Home News, December 3rd). The level of ill-informed and flippant commentary on the project can best be summed up in the immortal words of Groucho Marx: "I don't know what they have to say/ It makes no difference anyway... /No matter what it is or who commenced it./I'm against it./Your proposition may be good,/But lets have one thing understood./ Whatever it is, I'm against it. /And even when you have changed it or condensed it. /I'm against it." – Yours, etc,


(Fine Gael),

Dublin 4.


Sir, – Spending €23 million on a white-water rafting facility in George’s Dock appears to be an unnecessary extravagance. For a more modest sum the dock could be developed as a facility for the hire of rowing boats, canoes, or kayaks. Part of it could be used as an open-air swimming pool in the summer. Other European cities have boating and swimming facilities of this kind.

Might I suggest that the balance of the money earmarked for this project be used instead to purchase and restore Aldborough House, one of the city’s finest buildings which has been neglected and abandoned for far too long? Restoration of this landmark building would stimulate and revive the north inner city area which needs public investment more than the thriving IFSC. – Yours, etc,

