Thomas Prior House

Sir, - I am writing to express my disgust on learning, courtesy of the recent letter from Mr David O'Brien of the Churchill Terrace…

Sir, - I am writing to express my disgust on learning, courtesy of the recent letter from Mr David O'Brien of the Churchill Terrace Residents Association, of the plan to turn Thomas Prior House, Ballsbridge into an apartment hotel, which will entail the demolition of part of this listed building. I have always admired the building's beauty and felt that its wooded site was very special. The mere thought of this development being allowed to go ahead reflects, in the worst way, on our planners. As I do not live in the area I was not aware of what was taking place but now wish to offer my support to Mr O'Brien, in any way I can, to see that the construction is halted. - Yours, etc.,

Ballyboden Road, Dubin 16.