Tiernan on 'The Late Late'

Madam, - The inclusion of the so-called comedian Tommy Tiernan on The Late Late Show recently was in my opinion another example…

Madam, - The inclusion of the so-called comedian Tommy Tiernan on The Late Late Show recently was in my opinion another example of blatant anti- Catholic bias by our national broadcaster.

Words just fail me at this point in trying to express my hurt, anger and exasperation. Yet again the clergy were scorned and made an object of derision.

The heroic missionary work of thousands of Irish men and women was made an object of ridicule. The titters and cheers from the audience spoke volumes as another example of a people in need of a renewal of decency. And yet, these people have, or will in the future need the care and support of the so-called "White Shites".

If this is an example of family entertainment I wish Ryan Tubridy every good wish for his new show.


Last Friday I tuned in again to see if an apology was forthcoming. But no, people were just thanked for their comments.

It is not the first time that Mr Tiernan has provoked such a negative response. Is RTÉ ever going to learn?

That show was bordering on blasphemy and at the very least was in very bad taste.

And for the benefit of Mr Tiernan and Mr Kenny, it was Zachaeus whom the Lord called down from the tree, and not Zebedee. If you are going to quote sacred Scripture please be kind enough to quote it accurately. - Yours, etc.,

Rev MICHAEL O'GRADY, CC, Druid Valley, Dublin 18.

Madam, - In the report (Oct 29th) by Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent, "RTE item borders on blasphemy - bishops", which refers to Tommy Tiernan's performance on The Late Late Show of October 22nd, Mr Martin Long, director, Catholic Communications Office, Irish Bishops' Conference, is quoted as stating "It is time for those responsible to be made accountable".

It is appropriate to point out that the Constitution of Ireland states in Article 40, 6 I i, last paragraph: "The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with the law." - Yours, etc.,

JOHN S. PHELAN, Dromore Rise, Raheen, Limerick.

Madam, - Not having seen Tommy Tiernan's profane and blasphemous behaviour (I threw out the TV years ago, it was driving me out to the pub too often) on RTÉ I feel particularly entitled to express moral outrage at his scurrilous behaviour in insulting the sacred repositories of obscurantist antirationalism and entrenched dictatorial superstition.

Please allow me to add my voice to the choir baying for his crucifixion. - Yours, etc.,

DAMIEN FLINTER, Clifden, Co Galway.

Madam, - Apropos of the letters of protest on this page, why would anyone want to watch the wooden, nerdish Pat Kenny talking to the unsavoury Tommy Tiernan on The Late Late Show in the first place?

If you wait until Saturday nights, you can have a master class in chat-show interviewing over on ITV, such as recently between host Michael Parkinson and the fabulous Lauren Bacall. - Yours, etc.,

OLIVER McGRANE, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.