Time for a bad driving ban

Madam, - Why doesn't the Government sort out dangerous driving and road deaths by taking some real action? As the smoking ban…

Madam, - Why doesn't the Government sort out dangerous driving and road deaths by taking some real action? As the smoking ban showed, it's not hard.

Let's be brave and try the following:

1. Signs on the sharper bends of all secondary roads, indicating appropriate and required speed-limits;

2. Automatic retesting of drivers within 28 days, if caught speeding excessively or driving dangerously (at the driver's expense);


3. For regular speeders and dangerous drivers, the only car they may own or use to have an engine size below 1201cc (including company cars);

4. Those convicted of causing injury or death by dangerous driving to have their assets auctioned within six months, and paid as compensation to victims and their families;

5. The argument that a defendant needs their car for "work" or the "care of another" no longer to have any legal relevance to the level of fine or sentence imposed. - Yours, etc.,

JAMES HYDE, Main Street, Lismore, Co Waterford.