Time for a different contest?

Sir, – In the interests of equality on this our fair isle of comely maidens, could I make a plea for an annual “Lovely Boys Competition”? As we already have a blueprint with the Rose of Tralee gawkfest, the same quasi-indeterminate criteria could apply: any Irish ancestry you can muster up is always a help; be straight, for God’s sake; no daddies please; an ability to dance a little jig or coo a little poetry; and finally, but by no means least, evidence of admirable intelligence and ambition combined with a simpering naivety.

However, I strongly suggest the inclusion of a new element, the old reliable swimwear round, as it ensures we never lose sight of the actual nature of the competition – to find the prettiest boy.

Boys, please form an orderly queue, either as participants or apologists. – Yours, etc,



