Time for an HSE referendum?

Madam, - A democratic deficit? Lack of transparency and accountability? Disconnection between bureaucrats and public? I've heard…

Madam, - A democratic deficit? Lack of transparency and accountability? Disconnection between bureaucrats and public? I've heard these phrases before! Yes, the HSE has a lot in common with the EU. Here are some issues that consumers should reflect on.

The Government is closing excellent cancer centres in Dublin, Cork and elsewhere while "centres of excellence" continue to be a figment of the bureaucratic imagination. But the Government's cancer strategy applies only to public money spent in public units. Private clinics can continue to market and supply all cancer service to consumers.

HSE staff and the developers of the co-located private hospitals have been unable to explain to doctors how these small private hospitals can mirror the case-mix of the large public hospitals next door and be clinically safe or financially viable. Instead, they say they is commercially sensitive information but we should trust them as they have it all worked out.

The new consultants' contract for the first time abandons the primary duty of care of the doctor to the patient by adding a new duty to the employer.


Why does the HSE have a consumer affairs department but no patient affairs department? Is it because the HSE wants only a commercial relationship with the public? After all, a patient has more rights than a consumer.Perhaps it is time we had a referendum on the health reform programme and the HSE. - Yours, etc,

Dr CHRISTINE O'MALLEY, Nenagh General Hospital, Co Tipperary.