Time to look outward on climate change

Sir, – For a small, progressive global nation that is so outward looking in terms of its impact on the world – movement of people, charity and peace-keeping, investment, even sport – it is disappointing that our Government is so insular when it comes to tackling climate change.

The recent allocation of Ireland’s 2030 targets have been described by Government and the agri-food sector as fair and balanced. What might seem immediately fair for Ireland is becoming utterly unfair for the world’s poorest, whose lives are already impacted, and further at risk, from climate change.

Perhaps those who worked tirelessly in Brussels, pleading for Ireland’s special case should also visit Ethiopia, where the effects of El Niño and climate change are making lives unbearable.

A liveable climate is a common good belonging to all, meant for all. A progressive, outward looking Ireland would see beyond its own, immediate national interests.


– Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.