Tinted windows

Madam, - Your edition of July 26th reports the prosecution in Nenagh District Court of a motorist for having tinted windows which…

Madam, - Your edition of July 26th reports the prosecution in Nenagh District Court of a motorist for having tinted windows which, according to Garda Louis Moloney, hindered the driver's proper view of the roadway. Judge Tim Lucey struck out the case, alluding to VIPs in stretch limos not being prosecuted. Judge Lucey, according to your report, added: "It's cool to have these things on a car."

So, it's cool to obstruct the view of other drivers and it's cool to hinder a Garda's view of the driver to see if he's wearing a seatbelt (or a balaclava), or using a mobile phone?

The modification of any vehicle that makes it more hazardous to other road users, or hinders gardaí in the performance of their duties should be an offence. The most common examples that I notice are the fitting of bull-bars and the aforementioned tinted windows. - Yours, etc,

GODFREY SHAW, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7.