Sir, I note from The Irish Times that some TDs are less than happy with certain aspects of Teilifis na Gaeilge

Sir, I note from The Irish Times that some TDs are less than happy with certain aspects of Teilifis na Gaeilge. In defence of the new service, I can simply relate my own experience, which presumably mirrors that of others. My children, who understand Irish perfectly, are free to choose whatever (children's) TV programmes they wish from the multi media. They willingly and enthusiastically tune in to some of TnaG's programmes.

I would rate one such programme, Hiudai, amongst the best I have seen. The daily news and weather service is also excellent.

TnaG is bound to have a beneficial effect on a certain percentage of the population, which brings me to the final point I wish to make. Ireland will never again be totally Irish speaking, and Irish will continue to be of interest to a minority of our people only. Perhaps the time is now ripe to alter accordingly the position of Irish in our Constitution and in our educational system. - Yours, etc.,

Ceide Windsor, Baile na Manach, Co Bhaile Atha Cliath.