Toblerones – peaks and troughs

Sir, – Emmet Dalton (November 9th) laments that "the teeth-wrenching summits are no more" because Toblerone has widened the gap between triangles in an effort to reduce weight and cost . Does he not realise that we now face new challenges? We now have to "mind the gap". – Yours, etc,


Mount Merrion,

Co Dublin.


Sir, – This country has had a longstanding relationship with the triangular, Swiss chocolate at the airport. It’s that liminal phase of leaving and returning, it’s that last-minute present that would leave everyone disappointed if you didn’t pick up one (or three) at duty free. It’s the final savouring of being abroad even when you’re at home. I can’t help but blame our “neighbours” across the water and the falling pound for yet again upsetting something that was once so certain in the minds and bellies of the Irish people. Passing through the airport will never be the same again, because as they say, “Níl aon triantán mar do thriantán féin”. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.